The ears will always tell the story! Whitetail ears will not dry correctly if you have not prepared them properly. It is very important to turn the ear skins completely to the edges or they will curl and not leave you with a nice crisp edge after the mount has finished the drying process. The hair patterns will also move and pull as shrinkage occurs.
The cartilage needs to be carefully removed out to the edges and any meat needs to be removed so it does not attract insects to the finished mount. A correctly thinned ear skin will make your life a lot easier, so make sure you have shaved around the base of the ears where the skin is much thicker. If you need guidance on exactly how to achieve an ear skin such as this click here. This information and much more is available in the online video series “Mastering The Fleshing Machine A-Z PLUS”.
If you do not get this critical step completed properly “The ears will tell the story” every time. Whitetail ears are just a small part of the mounting process, but a large put of a well done shoulder mount in the end.